An Interview With SRLA

This year, GALA has been participating in Students Run LA (SRLA), which is a program that trains teachers and students to prepare for and run the LA marathon. The Echo interviewed one of the participating students, Scout Brodsky, and asked her questions about the challenges and her overall thoughts about being on the team. Scout is one of three girls on the team.

Echo Reporter: Why did you join the SRLA team?

Scout Brodsky: I  wanted to join the SRLA team because I wanted to do a non-competitive sport. I enjoy running because it just something I love to do and it pushes my limits.

ER: If you could change something about the team what would it be?

SB: I would change the size of the team. We only have about seven people and it would be nice to have more. It would make it easier to communicate with each other.

ER: What is something challenging for you on the team?

SB: Whenever your sick or miss a run, the next run is always 2 mile longer than the one you did before so it makes it hard to catch up.

ER: What is something that comes easily to you on the team?

SB: Well, sisterhood and supporting each other because our motto is “complete not compete.” If someone gets a cramp or injured during running, we slow down and make sure that they’re okay.

ER: Do you think you will do this through high school?

SB: I love doing it, but I wouldn’t do it years after this because I want to be able to do other extra curricular activities. It is also shown me that running marathons year after year isn’t the best for you.

The Echo would like to congratulate Scout, and her team- Emily Amador-Menzie, and Sofia Cante on their successful run, as well express good luck for the upcoming LA Marathon!
(At the time this article was published, the SRLA team currently had only 3 students participating)

By:  Jillian King, 2023 – Sports Writer

Photo Credit: Quincey Smith, Newspaper Photographer

One Comment Add yours

  1. Emily McNeil says:

    I really liked how this article was an interview, because you can see other’s perspectives on the SRLA team, which made it even more interesting to read.


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