There’s a New Sport in Town

Today I’m interviewing  Jessica Sinnathamby who is a ninth grader on the GALA High School swim team. I asked her a few questions on swim, and here were her responses.

Echo Reporter: What do you like about swim?  

 Jessica Sinnathamby: Swim, well to me swim is a very important sport because swim can teach you life saving skills as well as strength building skills.

ER: What is your favorite part of swim?

JS: My favorite part of swim is the amount of teamwork we use because you can’t win by yourself just like in other sports you can’t win by yourself.  It also can really elaborate more towards what you need.

ER: How important is swim to you on a scale from 1-10 and why?

JS: For me swim is a 10 because not only is swim an activity that keeps people active and healthy, it can also teach you how to save lives.  Swim also makes me happy.  I’m starting swim soon, we have been doing dry land so far.  Overall, , swim is a very important sport for many reasons.

ER:  Who inspires you?

JS: Well, my favorite swimmer is Michael Phelps because he is one of the greatest swimmers.  He inspires me, and motivates me to be a stronger swimmer.

ER: Is swim a fun activity for you?

JS: Swim is more of a strength building activity to me. It is also a serious class. We work very hard.

ER: If you could change one thing about the swim team what would it be?

JS:   Well, I would change the fact that we don’t have the equipment. In fact,  we haven’t used the pool so far because we have been doing dryland. But although i can’t really say it will be great yet but I hope it will.

ER: What got you into swim?

JS: Well, I have always liked swim but I was also interested in swimming at an all girls school. Swim has always been one of my favorite sports. I am super excited to be doing it at GALA!

 By: Shayna Schulte-Wayser, 2024 – Sports Writer

Photo Credit: Quincey Smith, The Echo



One Comment Add yours

  1. Riley Medina says:

    I like the insight that the interview gives into what it’s like to be a part of the swim team


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