Norway: The Most Decorated Country From This Year’s Winter Olympics

2018, New Year new Winter Olympic games. This year the Winter Olympics were held in PyeongChang, South Korea. Today, we are focusing on one country with a humble population of 5.233 million people who proudly took home 39 unbelievable medals. We are talking about Norway.

Each year The Winter Olympics occur every February 9th through the 25th, and every year one country wins. Every winner goes home proud of themselves hoping they made their country proud.      

This year Norway took home 39 medals in all! They earned 14 gold, 14 silver, and 11 bronze. Norway is known for it’s superior winter sport skills, and are use to the harsh winter cold. We cannot forget about the other participants, such as Canada which only lost to Norway by 10 Medals and Germany who fell into second place and earned a total of 31 medals. An athlete apart of Norway ,Marit Bjorgen who took home the last medal for her team. Yes, she is a woman who brought her team the last win for the Winter Olympics! Bjorgen is a 37 year old woman who won all five events that she competed in. Her gold win helped Norway get ahead Germany on the final day of competition. The team celebrated the day after the competition while back home Norway was very happy and very celebratory, but unfortunately there is controversy around how some people believe that it should’ve been a man who won, other than that this is an amazing woman who inspires many.

In the end, Norway went home proud of themselves and their teammates. Although, the other countries didn’t get their win and are bummed they always have next year. The other countries congratulated Norway for their deserved win.          

Shayna Wayser, 2024 – Sports Writer

Photo Credit: Key Word Suggest

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