Track and Field: One of the Longest Running Sports

The sport of Track and Field has been around for centuries and has been a popular sport since its start. The phenomenon started in 776 B.C at the Olympic festival in Ancient Greece. Every year there was a festival in celebrating the Olympic games. Only men were aloud to participate in the games, and one of the men was Koroibos. He was a chef in the nearby town of Elis, and came to the Olympic games to do the 600 foot dash. What he participated in was the first known organized event of track and field.

According to studies, Track and field has been around for over 11 centuries. Track and field was a very popular sport in the ancient world and still is to this day. There are marathons and competitions all around the world, for which people train hours and hours, day after day.

When Koroibos ran the 600 ft dash it didn’t count as an Olympic sport. It was just a game, so why did it become a sport? After his run people decided to keep doing it as a fun activity that both kids and adults participated in. When the popularity reached new heights, surrounding ancient countries took part in the games … they called it running.

Soon after, Track and Field was developed. Track and field is very similar to running although there are some differences. For example, Track and Field is more of a sport where you have to hurdle and jump over and use your flexibility, while running requires lots of energy and strength.

Track and Field comes from a very long and interesting history. There are many children and adults who practice this sport and they love it. People take hours out of their weeks and weekends  to train for the competitions they have. Dedication is key in this field, and it will always play a central role in the job of a runner.

Shayna Wayser, 2024-Sports

Photo Credit: Boom Sports Academy


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