The Album That Made Everyone Go DAMN

“Donald Trump’s in office, we lost Barack/And promised to never doubt him again/But is America honest or do we bask in sin?/Pass the gin, I mix it with American blood/Then bash him in/You crippin’ or you married to blood? I’ll ask again/Oops—accident,” Kendrick Lamar raps in his song “XXX” that was featured in his latest…

The Dark Side of Camel Racing

In February of 2017, Real Sports reporter Bernard Goldberg spoke with former child slaves who had been freed after years of being enslaved as camel jockeys in the United Arab Emirates(UAE). One thousand young boys, some as young as age three, were kidnapped from poor countries for the purpose of competing in a sport. It…

The Bash of the Century! Well, the Third

Many have heard of the Royal Wedding joining Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. Most are happy, but some are not as excited for this event. They do not necessarily approve of how Prince Harry is marrying an American, former actress, divorcée. In addition, they are to have a wedding so grand that it will top…

What Everyone Must Know About Memorial Day

Most of us recognize Memorial day as a day off work or school, and some may even recognize that it’s celebrated on the 28th of May, but very few know why we celebrate this day.  We celebrate Memorial Day to appreciate everyone who died serving the U.S. Military. Several Americans celebrate Memorial Day by visiting…

Terror on Flight 1380

Tens of thousands of feet above the earth, passengers clasped hands with strangers, prayed for a miracle and got ready to die. Moments earlier on Tuesday morning, they had been doing crossword puzzles, reading their favorite books, and curling up in their seats to watch funny movies as their Southwest Airlines flight climbed just above…

Through Anne’s Annex

Recently, the 7th graders took a trip to the Museum of Tolerance to visit the Anne Frank exhibit. Even though the museum contained other exhibits, the original Holocaust exhibit was left to the tenth graders. The trip included a tour that took them through the phases of Anne Frank and her family’s journey through the…

Take a Tour of Trash Island

It’s no secret that our oceans are polluted, but over the past few months specialists have discovered something especially alarming. They are way more polluted than we thought. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP) is a cluster of plastic that floats off the coast of California. It is also sadly known as the largest accumulated…


Last month, I wrote about the background of Day of Silence. This month, I’m back to tell you about the emotional effects of DOS, and my personal experience with the LGBTQ+ awareness holiday. I arrived at school early on April 27th full of giddy anticipation. My lips were sealed, my heart was pumping, and I…

A Prison of Gold

A public face with a very private life, Melania Trump’s marriage has been under intense scrutiny, and she has too. Since the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump, a recent hashtag has been trending nationwide: #FreeMelania. Many news organizations have been looking into the matter of marriage, and what happens behind closed doors. At the…

Racial Bias in my Coffee?

We all love popular sugar, caffeine, unicorn, nitrogen, and vegan Instagram trends that will give us that glow from within. Where can all of these things meet up? Starbucks, of course! The beloved coffee shop has been around for almost 50 years (the original store is in Seattle). It’s been hailed as a gourmet cafe,…