A Prison of Gold

A public face with a very private life, Melania Trump’s marriage has been under intense scrutiny, and she has too. Since the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump, a recent hashtag has been trending nationwide: #FreeMelania. Many news organizations have been looking into the matter of marriage, and what happens behind closed doors.

At the 2017 inauguration of Donald Trump, the camera panned over Melania and her husband. She was seen smiling at Trump when he looked to her, but when his head turned, the once cheerful smile dropped to a scowl. Thus, the hashtag, #FreeMelania was born.

When Melania signed the marriage contract, what she was bound to later was beyond her wildest imagination. Many first ladies have been overjoyed to fill that position, but not Melania. She is in no rush to head to the White House, and for what reasons? She has said it is because her son Barron, needs to finish the school year, and then they will move in. Really Melania? Not because of your husband, and his less than decent behavior towards you and women in general? If you aren’t following me, let’s dive into the dark depths of the Trump’s past.

The infamous Access Hollywood tape, Howard Stern interviews, and Miss Teen USA is just the beginning. He brags that he has groped Melania in public, as well as other women. Trump has made lewd remarks about Melania and his daughter Ivanka to Howard Stern, as well as the rest of the world. When Melania got pregnant with Barron, he treated her less than kindly, never opening doors and making sure she wouldn’t fall. It was, “You wanted to have the baby.” On top of that, he only agreed to having the baby if Melania got her body back.

Now, we have to take into consideration that on multiple interviews Melania has said, “People, they don’t really know me, people think and talk about me, like, ‘Oh, Melania, oh, poor Melania.’ Don’t feel sorry for me.” and that she dismissed the Access Hollywood tape as, “boy talk,” but look at her position.

Imagine being in her position. Imagine being married to that man, having to live with him, back him up, soothe his ego, deal with his tantrums.  Just imagine being under the scrutiny of the press, and people like ourselves. Knowing that you are at “checkout” time, and your husband would leave you just like that. That showing your age, your weakness, could add you to the list of ex-wives. Staying silent, and holed up in the golden lies of Trump Tower, next to the most powerful bully in the world, then stating that your mission is to end bullying. Is that ironic? Maybe, or maybe it’s a cry for help.

Knowing that you are trapped in a prison of gold. No, Melania is not the most unfortunate woman in America, it is better to be trapped in a five star hotel then the streets. As we must remember, a prison will always be a prison, no matter how shiny the bars are. You are still trapped. Melania is still trapped.
By Scout Brodsky, 2023 – Political Writer

Photo Credit: Express

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