Through Anne’s Annex

Recently, the 7th graders took a trip to the Museum of Tolerance to visit the Anne Frank exhibit. Even though the museum contained other exhibits, the original Holocaust exhibit was left to the tenth graders. The trip included a tour that took them through the phases of Anne Frank and her family’s journey through the Holocaust.

Anne Frank was a victim of the Holocaust as was her family. After leaving Germany, the Frank family moved to the Netherlands to try to escape the war. After hearing the war was spreading to Poland, the family began to hide in a secret annex in their house. They stayed in there for 2 years until the Nazis found them.The only thing left behind was Anne’s diary which was published by her dad. Her diary has sold more than 25 million copies.

The trip started bright and early around at 8:15, when the students were divided into three groups which each got their own tour guide. The tour guides were open to questions and helped everyone feel comfortable. They directed the 7th graders into a room where they talked about Anne Frank’s life and family. Along the way a few videos were played as well as artifacts from her life being shown. In the museum, there was a replica of the secret Annex door, and inside was a full room that was playing a video about Anne hiding in the Annex. The field trip lasted about 3 hours and all arrived back on the campus at around 11:30, just in time for lunch. Over all, the seventh grade trip was an educational experiment that is very recommended.

Many students had comments about the field trip, here are two:

“ I thought the trip was really interesting, and it was a really cool experience, though it was really sad to learn all of things people had to go through.”-Quincey Smith, 2023

“I would recommend the museum, because it shows what it was like during the Holocaust, specifically though one girl’s perspective, and I think it changed people’s opinions on how other people used to live.”- Helen Torres, 2023

By: Natalia Castillo, 2023 – GALA Spotlight writer

Photo Credit: Goldstar


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