What Everyone Must Know About Memorial Day

Most of us recognize Memorial day as a day off work or school, and some may even recognize that it’s celebrated on the 28th of May, but very few know why we celebrate this day.  We celebrate Memorial Day to appreciate everyone who died serving the U.S. Military. Several Americans celebrate Memorial Day by visiting memorials and cemeteries or bringing flowers and flags. Memorial Day is such an important holiday that it’s celebrated from around the world!

People from around the world celebrate different versions of Memorial Day. Australia and New Zealand celebrate this day as well, though the holiday is called Anzac Day. Anzac day stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. This holiday is the most important national holiday for Australians. In the Netherlands, their version of  holiday is called Dodenherdenking, meaning remembrance of the dead in Dutch. This holiday is celebrated on May 4,  for all of the military members who died in World War II. At 8 p.m., everyone is silent for two minutes.

Memorial Day customs date back to Ancient Greece and Rome. The Ancient Greek and Romans held Memorial Day every year for remembering their loved ones including soldiers.  Many believe they brought flowers, had public festivals, and feasts. How we celebrate Memorial Day is very similar to when the Ancient Greek and Rome celebrated it.

This holiday was initially called Decoration Day,  named after the American Civil War by John A. Logan on May 5, 1868. Memorial Day was confirmed a holiday in 1971, Memorial Day became the official name for this holiday around the 1800’s.  

Memorial Day has come a long way including changing the name, expanding its reach to around the world, and becoming a national holiday in the US.

By: Kyla Penafiel, 2024 – Graphic Designer

Photo credit: Win Calendar

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