I Feel Me

*Spoiler Alert* Many girls consume their time by worrying about how they look. They may try any kind of makeup they can get their hands on, but maybe there just isn’t one that makes them look like their desired “perfect” self. They want to see more than what’s staring back at them when they look…

How to Finish College With No Student Debt

There has been recent news outbreak in a fairly new college called MissionU, the rumored school not requiring you to pay tuition. That’s right, tuition free! The student doesn’t have to pay anything upfront, studies have shown that, “after they graduate, they have found a job paying at least $50,000”. After they find their job,…

Earth Day- Behind the Scenes

On Sunday, April 22, citizens from all around the world celebrated International Mother Earth Day, marking the 48th anniversary of the start of the Modern Environmental Movement in 1970. Two days before that it was just an ordinary Friday to the rest of the world, but zooming in on Girls Academic Leadership Academy, it was…

What a Marshmallow World

There are many museums around Los Angeles that tourists and locals alike flock to. Most of them have to do with science, technology, and history. You probably have heard of the Science Museum or the Museum of Tolerance. However, most pop-up museums/galleries don´t last very long. Not many know about them, but many are interested…

GALA Spotlight: Calm Down, The Zen 10 Are in Town

On Friday April 27, GALA had a Zen Fair during 7th period. The Zen Fair was organized by GALA’s GBLA team The Zen Ten. A clue in the name, there are ten members including the leader and supervising teacher, Ms. Agamegwa. The rest of the team is made up by members Alexi Elazegui, Brianna Mozo,…

Much Ado About Something

Los Angeles Drama Club is the country’s youngest Shakespeare troupe. They go to schools around the US, inspiring kids to get into acting, loving scripts and, especially, learning about William Shakespeare, who is widely well known as one of the greatest writers of all time. LADC, luckily, has come to GALA and offers an after…

The Secret History Behind Play-Doh

Play-Doh is a favorite to almost every little kid in the world. You can shape it, you can squish it, and you can design multiple things with it. But it really wasn’t designed to be used for all of those fun things. Play-Doh was originally designed to be a wallpaper cleaner and not a toy…

Happy Ima, Umi, Eomma, Okasan, Maman, Mother’s Day!

You know that feeling, don’t you? The last minute rush to get your mom the gift she’ll love. Occasionally, you might wonder WHY?!! Why must you inflict this pain upon me and my wallet? Well, you have Ann Jarvis to thank for that. It all started in 1908 when Ann Jarvis organized the first Mother’s…