The Monthly Makena; November!

Welcome back wonderful readers! This is the November issue of the Monthly Makena! This month, we will be looking at the bizarre and highly questionable holidays of this symbolic and patriotic month. Let’s start with the month’s celebrations:

This month is dedicated to many things, but one of the weirdest has to be that it’s Model Railroad Month. So grab some craft glue and take a trip to Michael’s because it’s time to hit the workshop! It also happens to be Real Jewelry Month. So no cheap generic jewels made in China, we want the real deal! Other strange monthly celebrations include Peanut Butter Lovers Month and Sleep Comfort Month. But wait no longer, it’s time for the days! And we sure do have some strange ones…

Clean Your Refrigerator Day: November 15th

Everyone has had memorable moments in their lifetime. Like when you first learn to ride a bike or the first day of school. But some of these moments are only unforgettable because they were truly awful. Like the moment when you open your fridge and a dreadful smell followed by an army of fruit flies come seeping out. Plus that moment of finding something that looks like it has been mutated and smacked against rocks at the very back of your refrigerator. There is probably a million regrets running through your mind, some saying, “Ewww… This is disgusting,” and some saying, “Why didn’t I take care of this when I had the chance?!” Maybe it’s because you didn’t have a day dedicated to it. Hence why we have Clean Your Refrigerator Day. So no excuses, it’s time to face that month old takeout and expired chunky milk for the greater good of your fridge.   

Button Day: November 16th

Many people take buttons for granted. And who can blame them. In our modern society, there are things called zippers that are much more convenient than having to latch every single button into place. There’s also the problem of getting the wrong buttons in the wrong slots and then having to undo all the buttons and then buttoning it all up again. Whew, that’s a lot! Sometimes, even though zippers can seem more convenient, buttons come in all different shapes, sizes, look classy, and can make any shirt look professional with a few stitches. They also are more reliable because zippers can get stuck and do that weird thing where they undo themselves because the teeth didn’t latch in and then, your zipper is ruined. That is why we celebrate Button Day. Buttons have a purpose too, even if it’s not as noticeable as oh so fancy zippers.   

Take A Hike Day: November 17th

When someone tells you to take a hike, it usually means that they want alone time, they want to be alone, or maybe you’re just being annoying and bothersome. But, surprisingly, that is not the reason for this holiday. Take this holiday very literally, because it actually means take a hike. When you think about it, hiking is a great way to exercise while taking in some beautiful scenery. It’s also a way to walk or run off stress and anxiety. Let nature be your guide and healer. On this day tranquility is key. Find inner peace through the natural wonders calm you down. So enjoy Take a Hike Day so you can be in a happy, positive state of mind.   

Homemade Bread Day: November 17th

Bread is something that has been around since the early 1000s. It is traditionally made by adding flour, yeast, and water in a bowl which forms a dough. You knead the dough and prove it twice then bake it for a time that is determined by the size and thickness of the bread. This is a process that takes hours and, if you’re not experienced, can end with a sad, underworked, and underbaked loaf. Since we live in modern times, people don’t have to partake in this tedious process. But on Homemade Bread Day, bread from the supermarket is forbidden. So why not make a nice baguette, a ciabatta, focaccia, brioche, rye, or maybe even a flat bread (if you have never heard of some of these, that is perfectly normal). How do I celebrate if you’re not a baker? Well, you could expand your knowledge on bread by watching baking shows (FYI, there are some really good ones on Netflix).

False Confession Day: November 21st

Have you ever made a false confession to help someone out or just to be a good person? If not, then chances are that you have seen a movie where the main character takes the blame and is punished instead of the true culprit. Then those people become friends and so on and so on. But the point is, people make false confessions sometimes, even if they will be punished. On False Confession Day, you do exactly that. Now I do not advise confessing to something serious like a crime because there are consequences for actions. To be honest, the only reason why I picked this holiday is because it is weird. I actually am not planning on celebrating this one.

World Hello Day: November 21st

Saying hello is something we say everyday. In english we say, obviously, hello, hey, or maybe even a nice to see you. But if you take a step back, hello is a very important word all over the world seeing that it is the first thing you say to someone when you see them. Hello can be said in many ways like hola, shalom, ni hao, bonjour, aloha, guten tag, ciao, ellohay(if you understand pig latin), and so many more. But the true meaning of World Hello Day goes a bit deeper than just languages. It is a symbol of peace and union all over the world. It means that we are different in many ways but we are the same too. It’s really a beautiful holiday because it put the ideas of peace and harmony front and center for all people all over the Earth. Right now, this is the thing our world needs most. So to celebrate World Hello Day, learn to say hello in at least one different language and think of what the world would be like if for once, we were all at peace with one another.

Buy Nothing Day: November 23rd

The day after Thanksgiving can not be so exciting. If you hosted Thanksgiving dinner, than it’s a matter of cleaning up after your family who managed to somehow get mashed potato on the ceiling. There’s also the major stomach ache to deal with that makes you totally regret having that,”one more slice,” of pumpkin pie. But for all the shoppers out there, the day after Thanksgiving can mean only one thing… Black Friday! The one day a year that it’s totally cool to elbow, shove, punch, and even tackle your opponent, in which case is the person who is also trying to grab the 90% off TV. For many people, Black Friday is a day to go insane on savings and attack deals. Everything I just mentioned is the opposite of what Buy Nothing Day stands for. Buy Nothing Day tests you to see if in our modern world, there are some people who can just be chill for one day and pass up good deals and resist temptation. I, on the other hand, will most certainly not be celebrating this day, because come on, how can anyone resist these deals? If you manage to celebrate this holiday, congratulations, you have my sincere respect.  

Stay At Home Because You Are Well Day: November 30th

We all get sick sometimes especially around this time of year. There are things we can do to prevent illness, but overall, if you get sick, you kinda just have to wait it out. Sometimes if the illness is really bad, people will even stay home to ensure the well being of others. That being said, have you ever heard of someone who stayed home because they are well? Nothing is wrong with them, they just are enjoying the fact that they are in good health and are not sick. I certainly haven’t! Well, that’s what Stay At Home Because You Are Well Day is all about. No one ever takes a day off to enjoy their health and be thankful that they are not sick. It’s a wonderful thing, not to be sick and people really take that for granted. I am really looking forward to this day not just because I get to stay home, but because it is important to celebrate good health.

That’s all for this month! Next time, we’ll be looking at the weirdest holidays of December. Have a good break and happy Thanksgiving! Remember, it’s okay to be different!  

Makena Ramirez, 2024- Columnist
Photo Credit: OneFam

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