Taylor Swift is Finally Getting Political

There are many politically outspoken celebrities. Emma Watson, Chrissy Teigen, John Legend, Meryl Strep, and Mark Ruffalo, just to name a few. Taylor Swift never thought she would be placed on that list of activists, until now. At this years American Music Awards, Taylor broke her silence by giving a speech on the importance of…

The Drug Epidemic

I never really knew how drugs could impact somebody. I could name a few, and I was always told to stay away from them, but I had never seen what they could do to somebody, and especially at such a young age. I recently saw a movie called Beautiful Boy that starred Timothee Chalamet and…

Purple And Grey, Don’t Disobey

When someone fills out an application and decides to go to a certain school, you would think that they would follow the rules of the school, no matter their personal opinion. Some girls seem to have such a strong belief on this matter that they can’t handle wearing a purple polo shirt and grey bottoms…

Scary and Silly; A Match Almost Made in Heaven

Ever since 1915 when the first haunted house was created in Liphook, England, these frightening houses have become a tradition on Halloween. Every year, from projected ghosts to action- provoked werewolf figures, people put long hours into designing these stunning residences. While some are blood-curdling, bone-chilling, and even hair-raising, some are playful, silly, and fun-…

Blessing or Burden?

Memories are funny things. You seem to only remember the things you hated most. And in terms of school, for those past it, the one thing you remember distinctly is the homework. Homework, homework, homework, is that all that ever happens? That is a million dollar question that parent and researchers alike have been playing…