Scary and Silly; A Match Almost Made in Heaven

Ever since 1915 when the first haunted house was created in Liphook, England, these frightening houses have become a tradition on Halloween. Every year, from projected ghosts to action- provoked werewolf figures, people put long hours into designing these stunning residences. While some are blood-curdling, bone-chilling, and even hair-raising, some are playful, silly, and fun- just like GALA’s 2018 haunted house.

Haunted “house” may not be the best description for GALA- our’s was located in room 501, an extra room on GALA’s campus. But despite our lack of houses, this haunted room was fun and full of both candy and laughter. GALA girls Delia Mizrahi and Ella Salim say, “It was a lot of fun and we’re looking forward to it next year. Mostly everyone seemed to enjoy it.”

Maya Henry, a seventh grader at GALA, says she rated the house a 4 out of 10 (ten being the best and zero being the worst). “There was a lot less candy than last year,” she stated, obviously the number one concern, “and it wasn’t worth the long wait in line.” Her message is there is always room for improvement, which is definitely true. Other girls had different opinions, however. Sixth grader Ava Bokeleerdg says that “I liked the haunted house because people popped out of nowhere and you weren’t expecting it.” Another graduate of 2025, Sydney Piller, said “It was good, but not scary.”

GALA Leadership put this haunted room together, and they all had different opinions as well. Siga Sakho, GALA’s seventh grade president, says that “I was a person who was handing out candy and I was also somebody who was ‘drinking’ fake blood and scaring girls. I had fun and it’s going to be fun next year too.” Rachel Moreno, Siga’s vice president, agreed; “The Leadership elective put work into it and it payed off. We hope to make it even more exciting next year!”

As we can quote from our first interviewee, there is always room for improvement. GALA may want to up their scary game, as they have clearly mastered the candy and fun game in this haunted room. But nothing will be perfect, so give it up for GALA’s 2018 haunted “house!”

Ava McQueen, 2024- GALA News/ Spotlight Writer
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