2019 Golden Globes

January 6, 2019. More than 18.6 million people had their TVs turned on to NBC to watch this year’s Golden Globes presented by The Hollywood Foreign Press Association. If you didn’t watch it or need a reminder, scroll through the list of winners. Find out if any of your favorite movies, television series, or short…

A Strike of Red Lightning

Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Lightning makes no sound until it strikes.” With hundreds of thousands of people all over the world standing up for what they believe in, this is truer than ever. It is our civil right to be able to believe whatever we want and be able to stand up against…

Hart Finding A Place for the LGBTQ+ Community In His Heart

They used to say, “You can’t take back your words.” Now, the saying is, “You can’t take back your tweets.” It’s true; the internet is forever. Kevin Hart learned that the hard way, and as a result, Ellen DeGeneres and other stars are receiving a think layer of backlash. The comedian who was tapped to…

An Inclusive Case of Alphabet Soup

The LGBTQ+ community is all about including everyone. Most see that as a good thing. A community for all with a label for all to boot. Jonathan Rauch begs to differ. Rauch wrote in an editorial for The Atlantic that the community was in store for a new name, and soon; one overarching term that…

Inspiring Tomorrow & Tomorrow & Tomorrow

What is a legend? A warrior? An activist? Throughout history, a legend has been a man who was strong, in both their muscle and their ideas. But times are changing. And with, that, our culture, too. We owe many of the tremendous strides America, and the word has made, in women’s rights, environmental protection, children’s…