Kamala, Karma, and Kleptocracy: Held Together By Their Role in Politics

518 is a… a what exactly? A number of students at a middle school? A record-breaking skyscraper stories? The number of presidential candidates as of February 7th? Unfortunately, the latter is correct.

From infamous current politicians, like California Senator Kamala Harris and incumbent President Donald Trump, to on-the-rise self-made 1st-time candidates, like entrepreneur Andy Yang and author Marianne Williamson, the 2020 US presidential election is sure to be one interesting election.

While 518 candidates have officially enlisted, more are sure to come in the next 2 years, potentially making this election have the most candidates officially enlisted all time. For now, let’s focus on the candidates that have officially been forced to elist. No backing out now for these 172 Democratic, 70 Republican, 19 Libertarian, 13 Green/environmental, and 244 other/individual/none candidates that already raised at least $5,000.

With the first announcement being made over 20 years ago on July 21st, 1998, by Professor Lee Easton Esquire, a man registered as other despite incredibly right-wing views on the LGBTQ+ community, police brutality, people of color, and the military with the tagline “Encourage heterosexuality. Encourage heterosexual dating.” The fact that he registered 9 years before any other candidate made word of running, makes no indent in his validity as a candidate, though there is doubt about if Easton is still contemplating running, as he is as much of a ghost as well, a ghost.

Fast forwarding to January 20th, 2017, around the time when multiple candidates announced their running when Donald Trump announced his reelection plans-the day of his inauguration. As of October, when his funds were last announced, he has raised over 100 million dollars, putting him significantly ahead of all other candidates, at least as far as public records can tell.

Fast forwarding yet again to the announcement that sparked hope in thousands across the country-the announcement of Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign. On January 21st, only 21 days after Elizabeth Warren rocked her supporters with her campaign start, Kamala officially announced and registered after rumors leaked of her reaching out to past donors.

With Harris and Warren being two out of at least 5 major female candidates running for the presidency in 2020, it’s important to look ahead and see what our country would look like if one of these women won. Though it is predicted that most of these candidates don’t stand a chance and that the front runners will be old-time male politicians, the fact that so many first-time and old-time female politicians are putting their name in the hat in an attempt to draw votes away from one Republican in particular, is inspiring, and makes us reevaluate disdain we’ve felt too inexperienced presidential candidates in past elections.

Though you have almost two years to prepare for the election, it’s still important to look at these candidates early. With the number of candidates running, there is sure to be someone who matches your views, and no matter your stance on the world, it’s important to inform yourself-and vote-on November 3rd, 2020. What will rule our country for 4 years? Kamala, karma, or kleptocracy?

Maya Henry, 2024- World News/ Politics Writer
Photo Credit: Boston Center For Adult Education

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