Aborting Hope for Women, One State At A Time

Among the touchiest of subjects in America, of which there are many, is abortion. What with 250 policies brought to congress restricting abortion rights in 2019 alone, and the most restrictive abortion bill ever having just become law, it never hurts to brush up on just what bills are law and what bills could soon…

Censoring Our World

The internet is a place where virtually anything is a possibility: any question you have can easily be answered with a quick google search; medical question? Questionable advice from Reddit takes only a moment to load. Need to know what Beyonce named her twins? Lucky for you, Instagram is only a series of clicks away….

Feeling the Bern, Take Two

Bernie Sanders is back at it again. That’s right, Bernie is running for president 2020, and is getting a head start unifying all of Los Angeles; starting with a rally. On March 23rd, close to 15,000 people of all ages, classes, sexual orientations, genders, ethnicities, and religions, came together to hear the Vermont senator unite…

Trump Scandal, Trump Scandal, College Scandal?

It seems all we hear about these days is Donald Trump. Trump ended this, Trump screwed up that, oh, and he also did that. Most of the articles I write are about just that: Trump’s many scandals. So while ruining the lives of many a teen, family, businessman, and colleges, it is quite a nice…

Minorities, We Get the Job Done

What’s the one thing more powerful than unity? Unity in youth. This is a message Pigeon Lee-Spera has taken to heart; and the masses. Lee-Spera, an 8th grader at GALA, a champion of many causes, took to combining two of which they are very much involved in. Which two? LGBTQ+ rights and immigration rights. Pigeon,…

I Don’t Want to See A Minority on the Runways

I am not one to shop at designer stores. I talk about how expensive Gucci is without ever having seen the prices; I jokingly poke fun at friends and relatives who spend hundreds of dollars on a pair of socks that have a green stripe on them, because apparently, that green stripe is Gucci at…

Cyntoia Brown, Soon to Be Free

       Cyntoia Brown was a victim of child sex trafficking and was sentenced to life for killing 43-year-old real estate agent Johnny Allen in 2004. The young 16-year-old girl was living with her 24-year-old boyfriend who forced her into prostitution and raped her. Johnny Allen solicited her for sex, that is when Cyntoia Brown was at…

Kamala, Karma, and Kleptocracy: Held Together By Their Role in Politics

518 is a… a what exactly? A number of students at a middle school? A record-breaking skyscraper stories? The number of presidential candidates as of February 7th? Unfortunately, the latter is correct. From infamous current politicians, like California Senator Kamala Harris and incumbent President Donald Trump, to on-the-rise self-made 1st-time candidates, like entrepreneur Andy Yang…

In Light of New Year, Racists Are Still Being Racist

A new year is all about turning over a new leaf; starting fresh; becoming a better person; resolving your wrongs. A shame that some of the first to publicly break that pact of do-goodness are none other than the generation that is supposed to be all about peace and equality. A group of teens from…