The Dark Side of Camel Racing

In February of 2017, Real Sports reporter Bernard Goldberg spoke with former child slaves who had been freed after years of being enslaved as camel jockeys in the United Arab Emirates(UAE). One thousand young boys, some as young as age three, were kidnapped from poor countries for the purpose of competing in a sport. It…

Track and Field: One of the Longest Running Sports

The sport of Track and Field has been around for centuries and has been a popular sport since its start. The phenomenon started in 776 B.C at the Olympic festival in Ancient Greece. Every year there was a festival in celebrating the Olympic games. Only men were aloud to participate in the games, and one…

2018 NBA All-Star Game

On February 18, 2018, the Staple Center hosted the 2018 NBA All-Star Game. The NBA All-Star Game is hosted every February and is a competition between the league’s best.  Each team consists of 12 players, making it 24 in total.  The teams are chosen by a series of matching a mix of the league’s star…

Equal Pay For Equal Play

The 21st century has been a year of great improvements in many categories of life, but some areas are lacking love. Specifically, a women athlete’s salary. No matter the sport, women athletes are still getting paid less. It’s no unknown fact that women are grossly underpaid than their male counterparts in sports. Why? They are…

Norway: The Most Decorated Country From This Year’s Winter Olympics

2018, New Year new Winter Olympic games. This year the Winter Olympics were held in PyeongChang, South Korea. Today, we are focusing on one country with a humble population of 5.233 million people who proudly took home 39 unbelievable medals. We are talking about Norway. Each year The Winter Olympics occur every February 9th through…

2018 Winter Olympics Wrap-Up

  The Winter Olympics took place in PyeongChang this year, and millions of people tuned in to see all the nations come together. This provided many national achievements, as well as individual olympian’s personal goals. These included nailing a triple axel, getting on the podium, and even making history. One figure skater that shined bright…

There’s a New Sport in Town

Today I’m interviewing  Jessica Sinnathamby who is a ninth grader on the GALA High School swim team. I asked her a few questions on swim, and here were her responses. Echo Reporter: What do you like about swim?    Jessica Sinnathamby: Swim, well to me swim is a very important sport because swim can teach…

An Interview With SRLA

This year, GALA has been participating in Students Run LA (SRLA), which is a program that trains teachers and students to prepare for and run the LA marathon. The Echo interviewed one of the participating students, Scout Brodsky, and asked her questions about the challenges and her overall thoughts about being on the team. Scout is…